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Intelligent Wheeled Robot Design

Design of intelligent wheeled robot based on Arduino microcontroller

Wheeled robots can complete the task of automated handling operations in industrial applications. In today's society, with the increasing modernization of production conditions, the requirements for labor productivity are getting higher and higher, and enterprises pay more attention to efficiency. The role of robots in various fields of society is increasing. The research on robots has become a hot topic, and various robot competitions have attracted people's attention.

Today, under the background of the development of the Internet, platforms such as online shopping have been born, and at the same time, it has injected a strong impetus into the vigorous development of the logistics industry. In the logistics center, the sorting of express delivery is basically done manually. Manual picking is inefficient and error-prone. With the increase of business volume, more manpower has to be added. Therefore, the construction of automatic sorting is the key to the development of express delivery. inevitable direction. Therefore, the research and innovative application of intelligent sorting robots will largely solve some problems faced by the logistics industry. More importantly, some functions realized by robots can be applied to all walks of life, which fully reflects the importance of intelligence for people's life and The convenience brought by production.

This robot experiment project adopts the design method of wheeled robot, which is a kind of mobile robot. The robot is required to be able to transport the object to the corresponding location through the designated route, and at the same time, the handling robot can automatically avoid obstacles in the route and autonomously cope with the complex road environment. The handling robot can realize long-distance control through wireless transmission technology, and can better serve human beings.

1. Development idea of intelligent wheeled robot solution

The intelligent handling robot is driven by four wheels, each wheel is controlled by a DC motor, and the steering of the robot is controlled by controlling the rotation of the motor. The robot recognizes obstacles through the ultrasonic module or infrared sensing module, and transmits the information collected by the module to the single-chip microcomputer. After the judgment of the single-chip microcomputer, it sends instructions to the IO port of the control motor to make the robot complete the corresponding steering action. Artificial wireless control is realized through Bluetooth module and mobile phone software. The robot can be wirelessly controlled to complete the instructions of forward, backward, left turn, and right turn, so that the robot can reach the designated position.

2. Hardware system design of intelligent wheeled robot

This experimental project uses the Arduino control board. This chip is responsible for controlling the state of the motor, processing the information collected from each module, and then issuing corresponding instructions. This project is mainly based on experimental innovation. Due to the small size of the dry battery, it is easy to use, and can be arbitrarily combined into a DC power supply of the required voltage, so the dry battery is used for power supply. In this experiment, two 3.7V high-capacity 18650 lithium batteries are used as power supply to provide stable and reliable working voltage for each module in the system.

The robot design adopts the design concept of a wheeled robot. Each wheel is equipped with a DC3-6V DC geared motor with a reduction ratio of 1:48 and a working voltage of 3-6V. A suitable motor occupies a very important position in the experiment. Durability, environmental protection, and shielding from environmental interference are all parameters to be considered, and a good motor is also obviously helpful in the tolerance of the code.

The motor drive scheme used in this experimental project is the TB6612FNG circuit. TB6612FNG is a dual driver, and the motor power interface has a reverse polarity protection circuit. Compared with the traditional L298N, the efficiency is much improved, and the volume is also greatly reduced. The ultrasonic module is composed of a transmitting circuit and a receiving circuit. The ultrasonic sensor used in this experiment is the most common HC-SR04, which uses a voltage of DC5V and outputs 5v high level and 0v low level. The static current is less than 2mA, the sensing angle is not more than 15 degrees, the detection distance is 500cm, and the accuracy can reach 0.3cm.

SR04 is a sensor that uses ultrasonic characteristics to detect distance. It has two ultrasonic probes, which are used to transmit and receive ultrasonic waves respectively. First use Arduino's digital pin 13 to input a trigger signal of at least 10us to the TRIG pin, the module will automatically send out 8 40KHZ ultrasonic pulses, and automatically detect whether there is a signal return. Once an echo signal is detected, the ECHO pin will output a high level, and the distance between the robot and the measured obstacle can be obtained according to the duration of the high level, thereby completing the obstacle avoidance task.

The basic principle of infrared sensor line hunting is to use the reflective properties of objects. This experiment is to patrol the black line. The four-way infrared sensor is connected to the A1, A2, A3, and A4 ports on the Ar-duino main control board. When the infrared ray is emitted to the black line, it will be absorbed by the black line. , emitted to other colors will be reflected to the infrared receiving tube. The trajectory of the car is judged by the change of the high and low level of the IO port on the main control board.

3. Software design of intelligent wheeled robot

In the design of microcomputer control system, in addition to the system hardware design, a lot of work is how to design the application program according to the actual needs of each production object. Therefore, software design plays an important role in the design of microcomputer control system. For this system, software is more important.

In the single-chip control system, it can be roughly divided into two basic types: data processing and process control. Data processing includes: data acquisition, digital filtering, scale transformation, etc. The process control program is mainly to make the single-chip computer calculate according to a certain method, and then output it in order to control the production.

In order to accomplish the above tasks, in software design, the whole process is usually divided into several parts, and each part is called a module. The so-called "module" is essentially a relatively independent program segment that completes a certain function. This programming method is called the modular programming method.

The main advantages of the module programming method are: a single module is easier to write and debug than a complete program; modules can coexist, and a module can be called by multiple tasks under different conditions;

Modular programs allow designers to divide tasks and utilize existing programs, providing convenience to designers. The system software adopts a modular structure, which is composed of a main program, a timing subroutine, an obstacle avoidance subroutine, an interrupt subroutine display subroutine, a speed control subroutine, and an algorithm subroutine.

After the intelligent sorting robot carries the objects, it should drive to the designated area according to the planned route and wait for the objects to be unloaded. Objects of different colors will be transported to different classification areas. Then the robot will return to the initial area to start the next round of tasks, and so on. The system software design of this project mainly includes the line-finding motion subroutine, the obstacle avoidance subroutine and the color recognition subroutine. The intelligent sorting robot can realize the whole set of task process without the cooperation of each module function.

This experiment uses Arduino single-chip microcomputer to design a robot that can realize sorting, which has the characteristics of line hunting, color recognition, and obstacle avoidance.

The above is the design technology of intelligent wheeled robot based on Arduino microcontroller introduced by Shenzhen Zuchuang Microelectronics Co., Ltd. We have rich experience in customized development of smart electronic products, can evaluate the development cycle and IC price as soon as possible, and can also calculate the PCBA quotation. We are the agent of Sonix MCU and Yingguang MCU agent, selling and developing MCU and voice IC solutions of Sonix and Yingguang. We act as an agent and develop ICs and solutions of Jieli, Ankai, Quanzhi, realtek and other series, and also develop BLE Bluetooth IC, dual-mode Bluetooth module, wifi module, and Internet of Things module. We have hardware design and software development capabilities. Covering circuit design, PCB design, single-chip microcomputer development, software custom development, APP custom development, WeChat official account development, voice recognition technology, Bluetooth development, wifi technology, etc. It can also undertake the research and development of smart electronic products, the design of household appliances, the development of beauty equipment, the development of Internet of Things applications, the design of smart home solutions, the development of TWS earphones, the development of Bluetooth earphone speakers, the development of children's toys, and the development of electronic education products.

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