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Single Chip Microcomputer C Language Technology

Although the single-chip microcomputer has its own programming language, if we use the programming language of the single-chip microcomputer to make practical things, it is very difficult. For example, if you do a division with sixteen digits, you have to compile dozens of statements. If you don't have special experience in studying single-chip microcomputers, I believe it will be difficult to do it. But if you use C language, one sentence is enough, and the program written is streamlined, easy to detect errors, and debugging is relatively simple. As long as you have some hardware understanding of single-chip microcomputers, you can use C to compile some more complicated programs. Now the execution speed of the single-chip microcomputer is very fast, and the clock frequency can reach 40MHz. There is no such thing as the inefficiency of the C language that will affect your program operation. In addition, C language, as a high-level programming language, has good structure and portability. The introduction of C language in single-chip microcomputer can greatly facilitate the programming and development of single-chip microcomputer.

1. Overview of MCU system

(1) Definition of single-chip microcomputer: the English full name of single-chip microcomputer is single chip microcomputer, translated as single-chip microcomputer, which mainly integrates various components such as CPU, semiconductor memory, I/O interface, interrupt system and timer into a semiconductor chip In general, the entire digital electronic computer composed of software and hardware is called a single-chip microcomputer, also known as an MCU (Micro controller Unit).

(2) The system composition of the single-chip microcomputer: The single-chip microcomputer system usually includes two parts: the hardware system and the software system. The hardware system mainly refers to various components integrated on the single-chip microcomputer chip and the controlled object. A software system usually consists of many main programs or subroutines, which are written in assembly language or C language, and have functions such as system monitoring.

(3) Functional characteristics of single-chip microcomputer: As a kind of microcomputer, single-chip microcomputer has many functional characteristics. First, the components of the single-chip microcomputer are highly integrated, suitable for making large-scale or very large-scale integrated circuits, and have strong reliability and anti-interference ability. Second, due to the high degree of integration, the price of single-chip microcomputer is relatively low, and the cost performance is high. Third, the instructions of the single-chip microcomputer are relatively rich and have powerful control functions. Fourth, many single-chip microcomputers only need 2.2V or even lower voltage to run, so their operating voltage is low and power consumption is low. Fifth, the single-chip microcomputer is small in size and easy to carry.

(4) The scope of application of single-chip microcomputer: the powerful features of single-chip microcomputer determine the wide range of applications. In aspects such as national defense, military agriculture, industry, agriculture, etc., the single-chip microcomputer has played its usefulness to some extent. To sum up, it is mainly in household appliances, mechatronics, intelligent instrumentation, real-time process control, and distributed multi-machine systems.

2.The characteristics of C language in the development of single-chip microcomputer

As a structured programming language, C language has strong functionality, structure and portability. The use of C language to develop single-chip microcomputer systems allows programmers to write perfect single-chip programs without knowing the instruction set of single-chip microcomputers. In the stand-alone chip system based on C language, the data can be processed professionally, and non-asynchronous damage during operation can be avoided. Among all computer languages, C language is the most widely used. In the development of single-chip microcomputer, the use of C language will show the following advantages.

(1) Rich library functions and good portability: C language is a compiled programming language with fast calculation speed and high compilation efficiency. It has a complete function library and is more readable than assembly language. Because it is an object-oriented language, its portability is good.

(2) It is widely used and convenient for development. Compared with assembly language, C language is more in line with the way of human thinking. Many programmers are accustomed to C language, programming in C language can reduce their effort on hardware matching, so that they have more time to debug programs and optimize algorithms.

(3) Perfect program structure and good compatibility: programs compiled in C language often have a relatively complete modular structure, which can be modified and supplemented at any time in subsequent development. It is precisely because the program structure of the C language is relatively complete that it is widely used in modular design. The single-chip microcomputer program written in C language adopts a top-down structured program. Corresponding to different modules, different functions are designed to make the entire program function modular and achieve different compatibility. This structured module can make the structure of the whole program clear and facilitate subsequent debugging and modification.

3. MCU development technology based on C language

3.1 Single-chip microcomputer development environment based on C language

Among the numerous MCU program development software, KEILC5l is the most widely used software, which integrates editing, compiling, simulation and other functions, and can support MCS51 chips produced by different companies. At the same time, KEILC51 software has a friendly operation interface, and has integrated C language, and also supports assembly language, so it has powerful programming and debugging functions. The development environment of KEILC51 includes compiler, assembler, real-time operating system, project manager, debugger and other parts. The source files of the written target program can form different groups, and the project manager can be used to easily correspond to the target, group or single file. The browser integrated in KEILC51 includes a global search function, which can help users quickly search files and find information. The source code editor is integrated in the KEILC51 software, and its operation interface is friendly, and many features are familiar to users. Using the natural and convenient programming environment of the source code editor, the compiler can edit and debug the code at any time in the editor, and can quickly check the error and optimize the code of the written program.

3.2 Development steps of MCU based on C language

When using the C language to develop a single-chip program, it is usually divided into: the process of writing and compiling the program code, connecting and converting the object code. After writing the program code and debugging the program, the program should also be compiled into a HEX file so that it can be transplanted to the microcontroller and execute the compiled code. The development steps of single-chip microcomputer based on C language mainly include four processes.

The first step is to install the software. Log in to the official website of KEIL, download the required commercial software installation package to the computer. After the download is complete, decompress the installation package, then double-click the SETUP.EXE file, agree to its terms of agreement, enter the serial number according to the prompt information, and complete the installation process step by step. You can perform a complete installation and make corresponding settings.

The second step is to create the source file. First, open the software to create a new project, or add an existing project, and then create a new blank program. In the text editing window of the new program, write the required code to produce the source file of the C language program.

The third step is to compile and debug. This is also an intermediate stage in the development process of the single-chip microcomputer. The developer switches the software to the debugging mode, and then uses the simulation function of the software to debug the source code one by one. Check and find wrong codes, correct and perfect them in time. Use the C51 compiler to debug and compile the source program to generate object code or module 1. Finally, connect the modules together to finally generate the file.

The fourth step is to generate a HEX file. Use the hexadecimal byte width proposed by Intel to save the HEX file, then generate the HEX file from the compiled target program, and finally burn the file into the chip of the single-chip microcomputer through the compiler for subsequent simulation and debugging.

in conclusion

To sum up, the single-chip microcomputer technology based on C language has powerful functions, which can realize the function specified by the hardware. The emergence of single-chip microcomputer has greatly promoted the rapid development of computer technology, and has been applied to all aspects of production and life such as household appliances and automotive electronics. C language has gradually replaced assembly language and has become the most suitable language in the development of single-chip microcomputers. In future applications, the technology of single-chip microcomputers based on C language will have more room for development.

The above are the technical details of the single-chip microcomputer based on C language introduced by Shenzhen Zuchuang Microelectronics Co., Ltd. for you. We have rich experience in customized development of smart electronic products, can evaluate the development cycle and IC price as soon as possible, and can also calculate the PCBA quotation. We are the agent of Sonix MCU and Yingguang MCU agent, selling and developing MCU and voice IC solutions of Sonix and Yingguang. We act as an agent and develop ICs and solutions of Jieli, Ankai, Quanzhi, realtek and other series, and also develop BLE Bluetooth IC, dual-mode Bluetooth module, wifi module, and Internet of Things module. We have hardware design and software development capabilities. Covering circuit design, PCB design, single-chip microcomputer development, software custom development, APP custom development, WeChat official account development, voice recognition technology, Bluetooth development, wifi technology, etc. It can also undertake the research and development of smart electronic products, the design of household appliances, the development of beauty equipment, the development of Internet of Things applications, the design of smart home solutions, the development of TWS earphones, the development of Bluetooth earphone speakers, the development of children's toys, and the development of electronic education products.

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