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MCU Internet of Things Application

Application analysis of single-chip technology in electronic products of the Internet of Things

Nowadays, electronic technology has become an indispensable driving force to promote the development of industrial society and the establishment of computer information society, and it has also completely changed the way of life of human beings. From life entertainment to communication, from industrial control to automatic technology, it brings people immersive sensory enjoyment of sound, light, electricity, etc. In the construction work of industrial control, its precise automatic control and management system not only greatly It saves the cost of manual management and improves the accuracy and efficiency of management. Electronic equipment affects the process of the whole world from all aspects, and all of this depends on the development of electronic product control system, that is, single-chip microcomputer technology.

1. The principle and concept of single-chip microcomputer

The emergence and development of single-chip microcomputer is inseparable from the development of computer technology. Early electronic product equipment can only rely on simple current effects to control sensors or mechanical components to achieve control functions. This control method has a single function and low function execution rate. With the development of computer technology, it was not until the emergence of VLSI in the 1980s that the single-chip technology officially entered the stage. The electronic control equipment in large-scale industrial industries is complex and cumbersome, and it is not easy to deploy. However, with the development of electronic entertainment equipment in thousands of households and the miniaturization, intelligence and integration of machinery, it is necessary to implement control functions on it. Electronic control systems obviously cannot be applied to circulation and general commercial fields. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of the advantages of integrated circuits to integrate a small computer operating system with many functions such as control, feedback, calculation, and storage into one chip to realize all the functions of an ordinary computer system. Execution on a small chip is widely used in home entertainment, industrial control, aerospace and other aspects due to its complete functions and small size compared with traditional computer control systems.

2.The development history of single-chip microcomputer

(1) Concept proposal: From the beginning of the birth of single-chip microcomputer, it is to solve the control problems of industrial equipment and electronic equipment. Contrary to the concept of traditional computer system adopting desktop control mode, the original intention of single-chip microcomputer design is to solve the problem of industrial control system and circulation electronic equipment. The internal space of the equipment is small and the structure is compact. Therefore, the design of its structure and integration method has become the standard that needs to be determined at the very beginning, and the design standard of single-chip microcomputer has been used until now.

(2) Function expansion: Due to the increasingly diverse and complex functions of electronic equipment, for the design of single-chip microcomputers, the main task at this stage is to understand the functions that various electronic equipment needs to achieve according to specific service objects, and promote the design of single-chip microcomputers to continuously meet The development needs of all walks of life.

(3) System formation: With the increasing application range of single-chip microcomputers in social and economic life, the improvement of interface circuits in various industries has driven the continuous improvement and development of its design functions, and the functional design of single-chip microcomputers has gradually matured. Driven by technology, the current single-chip microcomputer can completely concentrate the entire electronic control behavior and perform systematic analysis and processing, officially entering the category of systematic control solutions.

3. Application of single-chip microcomputer technology in electronic equipment of the Internet of Things

The technical core of the Internet of Things is to apply computer network information technology to issue commands to the control system in electronic equipment through network instructions to complete various functional operations. People can also control electronic products from a long distance, and can keep track of the operation status of industrial equipment, aircraft equipment or electronic equipment at any time, which greatly improves work efficiency and reduces labor costs. At the same time, because it can be operated from a long distance, it can achieve effective management for dangerous environments or areas that are difficult to reach manually. Therefore, for the Internet of Things industry, the single-chip microcomputer is an important factor that promotes the development of the Internet of Things industry.

3.1 Application of single-chip microcomputer in electronic monitoring industry

Single-chip microcomputer technology has completely changed the way electronic monitoring and access control security monitoring work. With the improvement of living standards and material life, people have higher requirements for safety monitoring. The traditional cable-type closed-circuit monitoring equipment can only be connected to the monitor and the video recorder through the TV optical cable, which requires a large investment in transformation, and requires security personnel to observe the monitoring probe 24 hours a day in order to detect abnormalities in time. When people go out, for abnormalities The situation cannot be responded to in a timely manner, and at the same time, the exposed monitoring equipment is also vulnerable to sabotage. Ordinary families simply cannot invest such a large amount of manpower and material resources. Therefore, for a long time, electronic monitoring has only been popularized in public institutions and large enterprises, and has not been able to enter ordinary families.

With the popularization of computer network technology and wireless network, monitoring equipment using single-chip Internet of Things technology can not only remotely control the lens stretching, rotation, alarm and evidence collection operations of monitoring equipment at any time through the Internet of Things control means, but also because Wireless transmission can be used, so there is no need to consider the erection of monitoring cables when deploying monitoring equipment. At the same time, you can also view the monitoring screen in real time no matter where you are, and respond to various abnormal situations in time to ensure Safe operation of facilities such as home security and industrial equipment.

3.2 Application of SCM in industrial production management

Due to the characteristics of the industry itself, the working environment of industrial production enterprises is generally an extreme environment of high temperature, high heat, and high pressure, and even toxic gases and radiation pollution will inevitably be produced. The management of this extreme environment cannot be done by manpower. Therefore, only Adopt mechanical control means to monitor and manage the work. The traditional single control equipment only has control functions, but does not have functions such as data analysis and working environment monitoring. Therefore, the awareness of crisis response is poor, and it is often only possible to take countermeasures when a safety accident occurs. However, due to the harsh environment on site Usually, it is necessary to do a good job in the safety investigation of the accident site before the construction personnel can be allowed to enter. Before that, there is nothing to do.

Utilizing the highly integrated features of the single-chip embedded system, for areas that cannot be reached by manpower, the operation of various industrial instruments and equipment can be controlled, supervised and evaluated at any time on site, and the risk prediction of possible industrial accidents can be made. Keep abreast of industrial production dynamics. Moreover, by installing controllers in multiple key facilities and channels, the spreading channel can be cut off quickly when a crisis occurs, the loss can be minimized, and the enterprise's risk self-examination and self-rescue capabilities can be improved.

3.3 Application of MCU in aviation navigation, flight safety and positioning

The development of all science and technology in human society is inextricably linked, and they promote and interact with each other. The history of human aviation development is the combination of aviation industry, electronic technology, radio communication technology, satellite positioning system, computer navigation equipment, automatic driving system and other high-tech aspects.

Since the invention of airplanes in the early 20th century, pilots can only determine the flight azimuth and altitude by sight or gyroscopes. These methods will be interfered by weather factors, thus severely restricting the development of the aviation industry. However, with the application of high-tech electronic equipment, aviation flight has gradually got rid of the limitation of human navigation. With IoT analysis technology, the navigation center can guide and supervise the flight status of the main components during the flight at any time. If necessary, it can take over the flight control system through the electronic device control program to ensure flight safety. Microsoft announced in 2016 that it will cooperate with Rolls-Royce to use Internet of Things technology to monitor the flight status of aero-engines in an all-round way, so as to improve the working stability and safety of aero-engines.


The application of single-chip microcomputer technology in the Internet of Things industry is only a part. It has been applied in various industries such as human life entertainment, communication electronics, infrastructure industry, and national defense construction. In today's information society and artificial intelligence technology. The development of communication and voice control is worth looking forward to. Whether in the Internet of Things industry or other industries, it is necessary to fully implement the research and development and education work in the field of single-chip control, and follow the pace of global economic development in the information age.

The above is the application analysis of the single-chip microcomputer technology introduced to you by Shenzhen Zuchuang Microelectronics Co., Ltd. in the Internet of Things electronic products. We have rich experience in customized development of smart electronic products, can evaluate the development cycle and IC price as soon as possible, and can also calculate the PCBA quotation. We are the agent of Songix single-chip microcomputer and Yingguang single-chip microcomputer agent, selling and developing the MCU and voice IC solutions of Songix and Yingguang. We act as an agent and develop ICs and solutions of Jieli, Ankai, Quanzhi, realtek and other series, and also develop BLE Bluetooth IC, dual-mode Bluetooth module, wifi module, and Internet of Things module. We have hardware design and software development capabilities. Covering circuit design, PCB design, single-chip microcomputer development, software custom development, APP custom development, WeChat official account development, voice recognition technology, Bluetooth development, wifi technology, etc. It can also undertake the research and development of smart electronic products, the design of household appliances, the development of beauty equipment, the development of Internet of Things applications, the design of smart home solutions, the development of TWS earphones, the development of Bluetooth earphone speakers, the development of children's toys, and the development of electronic education products.

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