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Baby toy program

An excellent children's product design is a combination of shape and human-machine factors. The connotation design of the product caters to the psychological characteristics of users, and the appearance design of the product meets the physiological characteristics of special groups of people, allowing ergonomics to be obtained in the product. play. Only by grasping the psychological, physical and behavioral characteristics of children, seeing the world from their perspective, using diversified design methods, and incorporating cultural connotations with the characteristics of the times and cultural and artistic connotations with Chinese characteristics into the design, can China's The design of children's products can embark on a professional path that is unique to China and can be integrated with the world. Standing in the same perspective as children and understanding children's inner feelings and outer performances, this is repeatedly emphasized in the design of children's products, and it is also the most important thing in ergonomics - "design is based on people".

1. The status quo of children's toys at home and abroad

According to my country's fifth census, China has entered the peak period of population growth. Every year, 20-30 million babies are born in China, including about 45 million infants and young children aged 8-36 months, and 320 million children. There are 80 million consumer groups for infants and young children. According to the statistical announcement released by China's fifth census, the monthly consumption of newborn products in China is more than 900 yuan. For the only child in the family, parents pay more and more attention to the quality education of their children, and try their best to meet their children's needs. Psychological needs, more and more willing to invest in children. At present, only 20% of this market has been developed.

Most of the well-known brands of foreign toys are familiar to us. Players of these foreign brands have a large number of followers in China. Apart from the brand itself, quality is also one of the factors that cannot be ignored. Especially after studying children's toys, we can find that These well-known foreign brands have strict requirements in terms of specifications, materials, and even shape design, and prevent the appearance of unqualified products from the source of production, thereby cleaning the market.


2. The definition and characteristics of infants and young children

The age range of early education has formed a worldwide consensus, that is, 0-8 years old, from birth to the lower grades of primary school, this is a wider age range, known as early childhood. In fact, this continuous development stage also includes several special stages of development, such as the infant stage of 0-3 years old, the toddler stage of 3-6 years old, and the stage of primary school children aged 6-8. Even according to the laws and needs of development, it can be divided into more detailed ones. In fact, the meanings and meanings of infants, toddlers, and early children will be different, and the psychological needs of different age groups for products are also different. Therefore, the design of children's products should grasp the special psychology and age of children. features.

2.1 Physiological and psychological characteristics of infants and young children

Infants and toddlers have entered the enlightenment stage of life. They are curious about new things, have a growing thirst for knowledge, and are active. There will be a big leap in physical and brain development. Infants and young children have a strong ability to learn and imitate. They recognize and learn about this strange world by imitating the actions and behaviors of adults. At this stage, their physical and psychological development is much stronger than that of the freshman period.

2.2 The influence of sensory behavior on infants and young children

The combination of the physiological structure of the hand, the kinesthetic sense and the skin sense is called the sense of touch. The sense of touch is produced by the receptors on the surface of the skin receiving external stimuli. In fact, the sense of touch is not a single sense, but includes touch, pain, temperature, Feeling cold. Through this series of touch senses, infants and young children can distinguish and understand the world, so the development of touch sense plays a great role in children's understanding of objective things.

The sense of touch is the sensation produced when an object is pressured or touched on the surface of the skin. The generation of tactile sensation is divided into passive tactile sensation and active tactile sensation according to different situations. Usually the tip of the tongue, mouth, lips, and fingertips are far more sensitive than the shoulders, back, buttocks, and legs. The active sense of touch is also more sensitive than the passive sense of touch, which also makes infants use actions such as touching, grasping, biting, and gnawing when recognizing an object.

In the entire cognitive world of human beings, about 80% of the information is obtained through the visual system. But the visual system is not just the eyes. From a physiological point of view, it includes the eyes and the brain; from a psychological point of view, it includes not only the immediate vision, but also the acquired knowledge and experience. Important developments in young children's vision are manifested in the development of color nuances and increased visual acuity. Preschool children develop the nuance, or precision, of distinguishing colors gradually.

Hearing is one of the important ways for human beings to obtain external information, second only to vision. In interpersonal social communication, hearing is the main channel of communication. The development of hearing is no less important than vision for children's psychological development. The acquisition of knowledge and experience is mostly accomplished through vision and hearing.

2.3 The Influence of Infants’ Physiological and Psychological Characteristics on the Design of Infants’ Toys

The design of infant toys has certain particularities. Although they are used by young children, the purchasing decision-making power is in the hands of parents. The design of toys for infants and young children needs to take into account the needs of both children themselves and their parents. As parents with life experience, they will pay more attention to safety, while children will mostly choose toys that attract him.


3. Design features of infant toys

3.1 Safety of toys

The most favorite gift for infants and young children is toys. But beautiful toys may be potentially dangerous to infants and young children. Review the reports in your mind-or the surface coating of the toy contains too much lead, or there are sharp edges that cause injuries to infants and young children. So security has become a primary concern.

Due to the baby's physiological characteristics, immature body, soft bones, sensitive skin, poor resistance, and various reasons, it is decided that safety is the most important thing when choosing toys for them. Children's safety issues have always played a decisive role in the development of infant toys, which also makes "safety first" gradually become the development trend of infant toys.

3.2 Growth of infants and young children

From birth to adulthood, children's body size is always in a process of continuous growth. In addition to body size, children's physical, psychological, intellectual, and thinking development levels have different characteristics at each stage of their growth.

3.3 Toys should conform to the size of man-machine

The use of ergonomics in the design of children's toys is a magic weapon to make children's toy design stand on the stage of success. Ergonomics is the study of "human-machine-environment". Among the three elements of "human", "machine" and "environment", the "human" who uses the product should always be taken as the starting point of product design. The shape, color, performance, etc. must be people-oriented, designed according to the physiological and psychological characteristics of people; through a series of knowledge bases and research methods, integrated into the design technology and manufacturing technology of specific fields, so as to form an ergonomic product. Products based on this will surely allow users to enjoy the convenience brought by the product more healthily, efficiently and happily.

4. Toy design for infants and young children based on tactile development

With the birth of a baby, parents begin to live around the baby. Whether it is education or daily life, the baby is the mainstay. This phenomenon is becoming more and more common. Parents hope to create a happy living environment for their children when their children grow up, give them the best education, and let their children create their own lives when they grow up. Therefore, in the infant stage, parents are more Pay attention to the intellectual development of infants and young children, the appearance of such toys has changed the lives of children and brought more happiness to children.

4.1 Characteristics of Infant Tactile Development

The sense of touch of infants and young children is different from that of adults, because the cognition of infants and young children has just been enlightened, so the sense of touch is very important for infants and young children. Infants and young children come into contact with things through the skin, and gradually understand the surrounding environment. In the process of contact, infants and young children are divided into active contact and passive contact. Both contact methods have their own characteristics. The first is passive contact. When infants are 0-3 years old, if they receive touches from the outside world, they will unconsciously grab them. This kind of touch is passive contact, which gives infants early contact opportunities and tactile Stimulation, can also feel and initially distinguish between hot and cold, pain and other sensations. As children grow up, they will take the initiative to grab new things around them. This situation is active contact. They can grasp the shape and size of objects by holding them. At this time, children can also grasp the consequences and foresee.

4.2 Material design of infant toys

In order to satisfy infants and young children’s perception of touch, toy designers use silk, flannel, wood and other materials with strong tactile sense in the process of selecting materials. Different, use different materials, so that babies can touch different materials more when playing with toys, and learn about the corresponding environment through toys. Design In the process of designing toys, although the texture and characteristics of the material cannot be used to change the shape of the toy, the texture of the material can be used to allow infants to change their understanding and feelings of the toy, so that the toy can exercise the infant's cognitive ability. Linguistic and tactile abilities.

4.3 Color design of infant toys

Many scientists believe that the difference in color can affect the cognition of infants and young children, and infants and young children can also improve their intelligence and emotional intelligence through their cognition of colors. Therefore, in the toy design of tactile development, it is necessary to develop and design toys according to age stages. Usually, the younger age needs to use monochromatic colors, so as to stimulate infants and young children's understanding of colors. If the raw materials have their own colors, it is also recommended to keep the original tone as much as possible, so that infants and young children can play while playing. In the process, the connection between material and color is recognized through touch. In addition, toy designers also need to use color as a guide to attract the attention of infants and young children, so that infants and young children can actively develop their sense of touch. For example: the application of building blocks not only allows infants to recognize shapes and colors, but also recognizes more common sense through building blocks.

4.4 Shape design of infant toys

In the shape design of toys for infants and young children, designers should use simple shapes, because the identification of shapes by infants in the early stages of growth is limited to simple shapes. Infants and young children can recognize it by using simple shapes, and can easily hold it in their hands, which is also a successful satisfaction for infants and young children. The design of the shape is not limited to the material, but is formulated by the toy designer according to the acceptance ability of the child. These shapes and shapes provide tactile information for the child. Infants and young children will collect information that needs to be learned at every stage of growth, such as: building blocks, there are many shapes of building blocks. In the process of playing, infants and young children can recognize the shapes of building blocks through touch and keep them in mind. They can also piece together building blocks into different shapes. Objects, which not only exercise children's creative ability, but also exercise children's hands-on ability.

4.5 Safety Design of Toys for Infants and Young Children

Toy designers ensure that the design can have a very high level of safety when developing infant toys based on the sense of touch. First of all, in the design for tactile aspects, such as temperature, it is necessary to control the temperature level to avoid burns. The second is the safety of materials. All materials need to meet the standards for skin contact with infants and young children. Because infants and young children cannot completely control their own behavior and have weak self-protection awareness, the materials used must be non-toxic and harmless. It is also required to have damage resistance properties. Therefore, the design of the toy adopts curves as much as possible, and the surface has no sharp edges and corners, so as to ensure the safety of infants and young children.

4.6 Functional design of infant toys

The so-called functional design refers to the value of toys, because in the process of playing games, infants and young children need to use corresponding toys to achieve the purpose of learning and to satisfy children's entertainment. The function of toys is to stimulate children's senses through touch, exercise their hands-on ability and brain ability, as well as children's inference power, so children's toys need to be from simple to cumbersome, so that the use of toys can achieve the purpose of development, and also Can adapt to children of different ages. Therefore, in the design process of toy design, we should increase the research on functional design, so as to maximize the development of children's tactile nerves.

4.7 Operational Design of Toys for Infants and Young Children

The design of the shape and specifications of the toy is to facilitate children to grasp and operate better, thinking that children's identification can be effective, so the design process should pay attention to avoiding operations that infants and young children cannot understand, because the operation of too simple toys is not easy. It can arouse children's attention and interest, but if the operation is too cumbersome and difficult, it will make children unable to understand and lose interest. Therefore, in the process of toy design, we can use the matching of colors to guide children how to operate, so that children can clearly understand how to operate in order to unlock the toy correctly. Successfully unlocking the toy can give children a sense of success and exercise Children's logical thinking, enhance children's tactile development.



With the improvement of people's living standards, there are many different styles of toys purchased for children, and the continuous innovation of varieties in toy design, in the design process, toys are more humane, scientific and educational, and in the There are also many toys designed based on children's touch. Every infant and toddler has its own characteristics, and each person is quite different, so the design of infant and toddler toys needs to be able to meet the growth and development of children at this stage. Only by choosing more suitable toys can young children be able to play happily and happily, and parents can also achieve certain educational goals.

The above are the details of the baby toy solutions introduced by Shenzhen Zuchuang Microelectronics Co., Ltd. for you. If you have electronic function development needs for infant toys, you can rest assured to entrust them to us. We have rich experience in customized development of electronic products, and can evaluate the development cycle and IC price as soon as possible, and can also calculate PCBA quotations. We are a number of chip agents at home and abroad: Songhan, Yingguang, Jieli, Ankai, Quanzhi, realtek, with MCU, voice IC, Bluetooth IC and module, wifi module. Our development capabilities cover PCB design, single-chip microcomputer development, Bluetooth technology development, software customization development, APP customization development, WeChat official account development and other hardware and software design. It can also undertake the research and development of smart electronic products, the design of household appliances, the development of beauty equipment, the development of Internet of Things applications, the design of smart home solutions, the development of TWS earphones, the development of Bluetooth earphone speakers, the development of children's toys, and the development of electronic education products.

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