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Rapid Software Development Method

Research on Rapid Development Method of Small Application Software

A computer is composed of hardware and software. Software is its core, which is a set of instructions to complete various controls and operations of the computer. Hardware is a variety of components that ensure the normal operation of the computer system. Software is divided into system software and application software. System software is the basic software running on computer hardware and the basic platform for other application software to run. Application software is designed and developed to meet the different needs of users for computer systems. Professional and highly applicative program, its biggest feature is its applicability. Software development is a special job, and its particularity is reflected in the complex work content and heavy workload, tight development time, unclear requirements, difficult progress, and difficult to eliminate errors, and software products are logical products without physical characteristics , the development process has a certain degree of concealment. Therefore, application software development should strictly follow software engineering ideas and establish a rigorous development process to ensure that software products meet user needs. Compared with the development of large-scale application software, the development of small-scale application software has less workload, controllable complexity, only needs to complete specific functions, narrow application scope, and strong function pertinence. Small-scale application software only needs a small number of developers or one person to develop independently. can finish.

1. Small application software development process

The software development process and technology are determined by the nature of the software. The development process of small-scale application software is basically similar to that of large-scale application software. They should follow software engineering ideas and go online after requirements analysis, general design, detailed design, coding, internal testing, software deployment, and user testing. For the development of large-scale application software, due to the complex development process and high development costs, in order to ensure that the developed software meets the needs of users, each step of large-scale application software development requires careful research, planning, demonstration, and confirmation by multiple people to form a corresponding Development documents, while the development of small application software is relatively low in complexity and workload, and each development link should be simple and controllable. Developers can fully control the overall situation and details of small application software, and development efficiency will naturally increase. It has been greatly improved, but every link in the development process cannot be missing.

2. Methods to improve the efficiency of small application software development

2.1 Methods to improve the efficiency of software page development

In the development process, we mainly use VS (Microsoft visual studio2008) integrated development tool, which is suitable for developing both C/S structure software and B/S structure software, but VS tool is more suitable for server-side program development. In terms of page development efficiency, VS is not as fast as Dreamweaver tools. In order to improve the efficiency of system page development, we can open the same software page file in VS and Dreamweaver at the same time, and design and modify the system page in Dreamweaver, and the VS development tool will automatically pop up that the file has been modified elsewhere , indicating whether it needs to be saved, we save the modified file in VS, then the software page designed in the Dreamweaver tool can be recognized and recognized by the VS development tool. The software page design is completed in the Dreamweaver tool, and the server-side program development is completed in the VS development tool. We combine the application of the VS development tool and the Dreamweaver page design tool, which will greatly improve the efficiency of software page development, thereby improving the efficiency of application software development.

2.2 Methods to improve the efficiency of software development code writing

Code writing is the basis for the final implementation of application software. In the development of small-scale application software, we use regular variable names when writing code, and also use regular names to name controls when naming controls. On the one hand, the code can be modified regularly to improve writing efficiency.


Compared with manual operation, the computer's software processing ability has higher efficiency, and its quality has also been greatly improved, which can significantly reduce the error rate. Although small-scale application software is small in scale and narrow in scope of application, it is highly targeted and can solve specific problems. For example, the application of small-scale application software such as year-end assessment and democratic recommendation can not only improve work efficiency, but also meet the requirements of fairness, justice, and confidentiality. and other aspects of the requirements, input and output ratio is high. Two methods are proposed in this paper to improve the development efficiency of small application software. The first is to combine the application of VS development tool and Dreamweaver page design tool, which will greatly improve the efficiency of software page development. Secondly, when the software system uses a large number of the same type In the control case, the code text automatically generated by using Excel software and Notepad software has no errors, which saves code writing and testing time, thereby improving the development efficiency of small application software.

The above are the details of the rapid development method of small application software introduced by Shenzhen Zuchuang Microelectronics Co., Ltd. for you. If you have software and hardware function development needs for smart electronic products, you can rest assured to entrust them to us. We have rich experience in customized development of electronic products, and can evaluate the development cycle and IC price as soon as possible, and can also calculate PCBA quotations. We are a number of chip agents at home and abroad: Songhan, Yingguang, Jieli, Ankai, Quanzhi, realtek, with MCU, voice IC, Bluetooth IC and module, wifi module. We have hardware design and software development capabilities. Covering circuit design, PCB design, single-chip microcomputer development, software custom development, APP custom development, WeChat official account development, voice recognition technology, Bluetooth wifi development, etc. It can also undertake the research and development of smart electronic products, the design of household appliances, the development of beauty equipment, the development of Internet of Things applications, the design of smart home solutions, the development of TWS earphones, the development of Bluetooth earphone speakers, the development of children's toys, and the research and development of electronic education products.

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