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Web front-end APP development

Web front-end APP development based on HTML5

With the rapid development of Internet information technology, people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, and mobile Internet technology has brought great convenience and changes to people's lives. Nowadays, with only a smart phone in hand, almost all problems can be solved anytime and anywhere, such as eating, stock trading, making phone calls, online learning, online shopping, online job hunting, games and entertainment, etc. The development of APP emerges in an endless stream. HTML5, as a new technical form, was first applied to desktop browsers, giving users the experience of using a browser while using an application. Now, the application of HTML5 to the development of Web front-end APP has greatly promoted the development of mobile Internet technology.

1. Introduction to HTML5

HTML5 is the fifth revision of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is the result of cooperation between W3C (World Wide Web Consortium, World Wide Web Consortium) and WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group, Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group). WHATWG works on Web forms and applications, while W3C focuses on XHTML2.0.

2. Some new features of HTML5

(1) Canvas element for drawing: It has no drawing function itself, and draws 2D graphics on the web page through JavaScript. <canvas id="myCanvas1"width="300"height="200"></canvas>

(2) Video element and audio element: HTML5 solves the key issues of audio and video on mobile devices, no plug-ins are required, audio can be rendered through the audio element, and users can listen to music well. Add preload="preload" or just preload to the video element, when the user visits the page, the video can be preloaded, and the user can enjoy rich videos. It brings great convenience to mobile APP development and adds more colors.

(3) HTML5 can realize offline storage: No matter how fast the Internet technology develops, there will always be unexpected times, such as poor network signal or unstable network due to weather or other reasons. HTML5 can make network applications Offline use effectively solves this problem and brings convenience to mobile development.

(4) New label elements: such as calendar, date, time, email, url, search and article, footer, header, nav, section.

3. Web front-end APP development based on HMTL5

3.1 Composition and Classification of H5 Web App

Each application is composed of multiple pages, and HTML5, JS code, and CSS style constitute a page description. The service can be called in the page to realize the function of accessing the background database, and the hardware capability of the device can also be called by calling the local device API. At present, there are three types of applications based on mobile devices: Native App (native application), which is specially developed for a certain operating system, such as IOS, Android, BlackBerry, etc., which run on their respective mobile devices; Hybrid App (hybrid application) is a combination of native application and web application, which adopts part of native application and web application respectively, so part of it runs on the web and part of it runs on the device; web app (web application) is essentially Web-based applications designed for mobile browsers, which are developed in common web development languages and can run on various smartphone browsers. As for which application you want to use, you can consider the specific situation and develop different types of Web Apps for different needs.

3.2 Advantages of HMTL5 technology

The significant advantages of HTML5 are one-time development, cross-platform use, and get rid of the dependence on the platform, and many browsers (such as Chrome (Google Chrome), Firefox (Firefox Browser), Safari (Apple Browser), IE (Microsoft Browser) ), Opera (Ou Ming browser) and domestic browsers such as 360 browser, Sogou browser, QQ browser and Cheetah browser based on IE or Chromium) all support HTML5, saving time and improving operating efficiency; and HTML5 supports cross-application switching on mobile phones. Users can switch back and forth between different APPs without going back to the desktop. In this way, it brings convenience, saves time and brings better user experience for people to use APPs. ; Its writing code is clear, concise and easy to understand, and all of them are encrypted. The local application can be decrypted and then run, making it more secure. Now it has been adopted by many companies. For example, HTML5 technology has been favored and used by Baidu website, and it has been learned by many people. Putting it into real life, it will become the mainstream when the HTML5 specification is developed.

3.3 Development prospects of HTML5-based Web front-end APP development

From the endless mobile applications emerging in modern society, we know that in this era of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, mobile advantages have become an unstoppable trend. It eliminates the technical threshold for adapting terminals and applications, cross-platform and cross-network, which greatly reduces the cost and is conducive to promoting the healthy development of the industry. At present, there will be 1 billion mobile browsers supporting HTML5 in the world, and the number of Web developers will increase rapidly, reaching 3 million. According to the development speed of the Internet, people's current lifestyle is inseparable from the Internet. In the future, the demand for APP will become greater. In the future, it is very likely that everything in life will be related to smart phones and Web applications, and everything can be implemented online. .


Nowadays, the mobile Internet has become the trend of the times, and the development of HTML5 technology will be an unstoppable trend. Although HTML5 technology is still being continuously improved and improved, under the general trend of future mobile Internet development, it will be HTML5 The development of HTML5 is the icing on the cake, which makes the development space of HTML5 wider and the development prospect brighter. It must be the mainstream of development in the future for a period of time, and it is worth learning, researching and applying.

The above is the HTML5-based Web front-end APP development method introduced by Shenzhen Zuchuang Microelectronics Co., Ltd. for you. If you have software and hardware function development needs for smart electronic products, you can rest assured to entrust them to us. We have rich experience in customized development of electronic products, and can evaluate the development cycle and IC price as soon as possible, and can also calculate PCBA quotations. We are a number of chip agents at home and abroad: Songhan, Yingguang, Jieli, Ankai, Quanzhi, realtek, with MCU, voice IC, Bluetooth IC and module, wifi module. We have hardware design and software development capabilities. Covering circuit design, PCB design, single-chip microcomputer development, software custom development, APP custom development, WeChat official account development, voice recognition technology, Bluetooth wifi development, etc. It can also undertake the research and development of smart electronic products, the design of household appliances, the development of beauty equipment, the development of Internet of Things applications, the design of smart home solutions, the development of TWS earphones, the development of Bluetooth earphone speakers, the development of children's toys, and the research and development of electronic education products.

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